"Pharmaceuticals, Not Rated (MPAA Rating)" Movies

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Box Office
Box Office
Aug 9, 2019Wo Bi Shi Yao Shen $3,238$6,752$451,183,392
Mar 23, 2018Dead on Arrival
Oct 20, 2017120 battements par minute $8,566$125,189$7,656,293
UnknownThe Big Lie: American Addict 2
Sep 6, 2013Fire in the Blood $36,228$51,785
Aug 9, 2013Off Label
Sep 21, 2012How to Survive a Plague $28,250$123,814$133,389
Feb 11, 2011Orgasm Inc. $8,773$49,001$49,001
Dec 10, 2009Money Driven Medicine

Note: this list contains movies that match all selected keywords and one of each of the selected classifications.

Current Filters (Click to remove)

Pharmaceuticals - Not Rated (MPAA Rating)

Related Keywords (Click to add to filter)

Agitprop3 - AIDS3 - Corporate Malfeasance4 - Epidemic2 - Epilogue2 - Intertitle2 - Medical and Hospitals3 - Terminal Illness3 - Voiceover/Narration3

Genres (Click to add to filter)

Documentary6 - Drama2 - Thriller/Suspense1

Creative Types (Click to add to filter)

Contemporary Fiction2 - Factual7

Sources (Click to add to filter)

Based on Factual Book/Article1 - Based on Real Life Events4 - Original Screenplay4

Production Methods (Click to add to filter)

Live Action9

MPAA Ratings (Click to add to filter)

Open1 - PG1 - PG-134 - R15