Movie Website Reviews for Weekend of May 16, 2008

May 17, 2008

Another week where there was only one major movie website to check out. This week it was The Chronicles of Narnia: Price Caspian - Official Site, which was clearly the winner of the weekly website award.

The Chronicles of Narnia: Price Caspian - Official Site
This is a big site. A very big site. Perhaps too big, as it is putting a great strain on my browser. Playing Castle Escape, one of the many features on the site, started out okay, but the game became slower and slower and less and less responsive. In the end, it was unplayable. There's a lot here, and not just the regular features, but games, an interactive 3-D map, featurettes on various subjects, and more. There's plenty of sound and animation and each section starts with a clip. Finally, also in each section there are a number of hidden members of Narnia's army, and if you can find all of them, you are rewarded with some downloads and a feature where you can transform yourself into a Narnian. Overall, there's an impressive amount of features here, and it should sell the movie well. Being a resource hog is an issue, but it might be an issue on my end and it is not enough to prevent the film from earning the Regal Weekly Website Award.

How the Garcia Girls Spent Their Summer - Official Site
The site has most of the usual features (synopsis, bios, and trailer) but no image gallery. There's also a couple of video clips, but that's it for extras. Overall, it is effective, but doesn't really stand out.

Reprise - Official Site
Most of the usual features are here (the cast bios appear to be MIA). However, there's a lot of information on the themes of film, director's notes, etc. Plenty to sell the movie.

Sangre de mi Sangre - No Official Site
No site. Nothing to review.

Short Order - Official Site
Just the basics without any polish. It doesn't look very professional.

Yella - No Official Site
Another movie without an official sight.


Filed under: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Reprise, Padre Nuestro, Yella, How the Garcia Girls Spent Their Summer, Short Order