Box Office Records > Domestic > All Movies > Misc > $100m Movies per Year
Most $100 Million Movies Per Year
Other Domestic Misc records: Never No. 1 Domestic - Never Wide Domestic - Lowest No. 1 Domestic - Widest Opening Weekend
This chart contains for each year the number of $100 million, $200m, $300m, $400m and $500m movies at the domestic box office, sorted on the number of $100m movies.
We use the year a film was first released, which does not have to be the same year in which the milestone was reached. For movies released at the end of year, this could be the next year, and in some situations it was even a re-release later that caused a movie to reach a milestone.
The Domestic Market is defined as the North American movie territory (consisting of the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam).
This table is updated daily to reflect the latest studio reports.
Note: This chart is not adjusted for inflation.